3-2-1 Grilled Cheese with Veggies

I think this might be the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had! (And I’ve had a lot of them.) I call it the 3-2-1 Grilled Cheese because 3 veggies with 2 kinds of real California Milk cheese makes for 1 delicious sandwich.

Are you wanting to spring clean your diet? instead of cutting out certain foods or food groups … consider adding in ingredients that are good for you.
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The idea is that you’ll crowd out some of the less than healthy foods you want to cut back on with better-for-you options for balanced consumption of nutrient-dense foods, from both plant-based and dairy sources. and this sandwich packs a lot of nutrients from both to help with that!

3 – 2 – 1 Grilled Cheese Sandwich


4 slices whole wheat bread
6 slices real California provolone cheese
1/2 cup real California sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1 cup frozen broccoli
handful spinach
2 small tomatoes, sliced
Real California butter

Directions: place broccoli in a microwave safe dish and heat for 3 minutes or until warm.

Add sharp cheddar cheese, salt & pepper – stir. heat for 1 – 2 minutes or until cheese is melted. تخلط جيدا.

Heat non-stick pan on medium. use stick of butter to grease pan.
Layer sandwich: bread – provolone cheese – spinach – tomatoes – broccoli cheese mix – provolone – bread

Cook sandwich…

Tip: put a plate that’s about the size of the bread and smaller than the pan on top of sandwich. This will help it melt together, toast the bread and make it simpler to flip.

When the first side is done, thoroughly flip it and cook the other side. cook until cheese is melted and bread is toasted. Repeat with the other sandwich.

California dairy foods offer a sustainable source of essential nutrients, such as calcium and protein so remember to look for the real California Milk seal when shopping for your ingredients!

And it’s national Grilled Cheese Day!! Are you celebrating?

Check out the different versions of grilled cheese recipes on the real California Milk website!

7 Grilled Cheese Recipes from real California Milk:

The CA style Dutch Grilled Cheese  – Gouda, butter, caraway seeds, cumin on rye or pumpernickel bread

The Havana Grilled Cheese Sandwich – Monterey Jack, ham, pasilla pepper, mango on rustic French bread

The real Californian Grilled Cheese – Sharp Cheddar, avocado, tomato, garlic on rustic grain bread

The Tuscan Grilled Cheese –  Smoked Mozzarella, red peppers, olives, basil on rosemary bread

Cheddar and Nutella Grilled Cheese – aged Cheddar, Nutella, almonds on brioche bread

Grilled Cheese with Tomato Dipping Sauce

Apple Ham Sourdough Grilled Cheese

Which one would you try first?

هذا المنشور برعاية حليب كاليفورنيا الحقيقي. جميع الآراء هي آراء المؤلف.

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